Thursday, December 6, 2007

Focus THIS!

I swore to myself that this blog would not become all about me whining about work (but I guess I should have named it something else...The Fabulous Life of Me would be nice...but untrue), but after today I cannot help but post a few observations about my current employment situation.

So I get a meeting request on Monday from the girl who runs our focus groups. She says that I have been chosen to participate in a focus group that deals with how we view our jobs, our morale, etc.

Well the big focus group was today. Someone from each of the 6 departments has been chosen to join in. We were told that our responses to the questions would be written down anonymously and then would be presented the president, partners & managers of our company. Uh-huh.

So we get the obligatory 'What do you like about working here?' question. Everyone chimes in all at once: "Insurance!" "Paid holidays!" "Gym membership!" "Free parking!" Ok people...who doesn't like benefits?

But then she started in on the 'What don't you like about...' questions. Please tell me why everyone else got all 'Well I don't blame them for doing it this way or that way' etc. They might as well have flashed their I Heart My Job tattoos.

Then there is Negative Nelly sitting there (i.e. me) who was being HONEST. I don't like the way that my manager manages, and I let them know. I don't like the way our yearly reviews are held, and I let them know. I don't like the way that we are spread too thin, and I let them know. I don't like the way that my personal time off is invaded with pointless phone calls from my supervisor, and I let them know.

My conclusion from this meeting: everyone else in there HAS to make way more money than me. I would be a helluva lot happier to do my job if I were doing it for at least $10k more a year.

P.S. I swear to get around to being much more inspiring and thought-provoking sometime in the near future. I just need to get out of my job-related funk.


Anonymous said...

Another 10 K a year would do it for me too sweetie, and Nellie sounds fabulous. ;)

Christie said...

I hated busting my butt so that the company could make tons more money and all I got was a 15 cent pay increase a year. Screw them. At least my kids pay me in smiles and hugs, which makes me feel a lot better than the "You're doing a great job BUT....".

Vanessa said...

Agreed! My job had a focus group like that and didn't like the answers they got so they called in a consultant to sit and 'shadow' each of us for two hours one day. The let the consultant go and told the rest of us to shut up or we'd get 'laid off'.